Live online events, open to Parents, Students, Healthcare Professionals, the Public and media
– The HQ of Region of Crete illuminates on November 16th to raise awareness on cord blood donation and the therapeutic properties and advances in the field. Award to the Regional Governor of Crete for his support to Public CBBC which was postponed due to covid19 restrictions.
– Live online Interactive sessions & Virtual tour for Secondary School students with the scientists of the Public CBBC & the Haemopoiesis Research Lab, co-organised with the Regional Directorate of Secondary Education of Heraklion.
– Blood Drive & voluntary donor sign-up on the National Marrow & HSCs Registry on November 16th from 17:00-20:30 at Elefterias Square. A public awareness kiosk will be set up where Public CBBC staff will provide information on cord blood donation and hand-outs. Co-organised with NGO ‘Aimatocritis’
Award ceremony by ‘Aimatokritis’ to parents who have donated cord blood to Public CBBC.
– Spreading the message on cord blood donation and its therapeutic properties through Public CBBC official song:
–Virtual art & photography exhibition by students of the School of Medicine UoC, and Universities abroad through-out the week 15-19 November 2021
–Award to the midwives of Heraklion Health Centre of the 7th Health Prefecture of Crete, for their active contribution on raising awareness on cord blood donation to expectant parents, on Thursday 18th November 2021.

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