More than 400 representatives of the wider Healthcare industry, appraised excellence in Innovation, Health, Digital Technologies and Investments at the Healthcare Business Awards 2023 ceremony, which was held in Athens, on Monday 23 October 2023 by BOUSSIAS Events and HEALTH DAILY.
The University General Hospital of Heraklion (PAGNI) – specifically the Public Cord Blood Bank Crete (CBBC) of the Hematology Department of PAGNI and the Vascular Surgery Department of PAGNI – were awarded the bronze award for the ‘Creation of platelet-rich plasma gel from unsuitable units for transplantation’ derived from umbilical cord blood, and comparison of its healing capacity in diabetic ulcers in relation to autologous plasma’.
“Congratulations to the Hematology Department for being awarded, yet again. It follows the recognition of the professors’ scientific work. After all, they, are the pride of PAGNI. Its people. We keep on working and going on.” said Deputy Governor of PAGNI Stelios Kteniadakis.
“The award further highlights the contribution of Public CBBC to public health and contributes to its toolbox. It is important to use every unit, every tool at our disposal, and to develop synergies between us that allow us to offer top quality services to patients and improve the treatment process and outcome” stated the Director of the PAGNI Hematology Clinic and Public CBBC prof. Helen Papadaki.
The award was received by Professor, Director of Hematology Department PAGNI and Public CBBC Dr Helen Papadaki, post-Doc Researcher of the Public CBBC Ioanna Gontika, and Assistant Professor of the Vascular Surgery Department of PAGNI Dr Nick Kontopodis.
This is the 2nd consecutive award distinction for the work of the University Hospital (PAGNI), the Hematology Department and Public CBBC, at the HealthCare Business Awards. (
Press release by BOUSSIAS Events